UFO Video Page
Steven Bassett
from the PRG gives an interview on the state of the cover-up of Extra Terrestrial Issues
The UFO Encounter at Mogollon Rim- Travis Walton & Mike Rogers
Host Cynthia Siegel talks With Ph.D. James Harder,Travis Walton and Mike Rogers Crew chiff.
At the time of this filming this would be there first meeting since this encounter took
place over twenetly seven years prior.Host,Cynthia Siegel Talks with Ph.D.James Harder about his involvement in this historical
case. Little did Travis Walton and Mike Rogers Know on November 5, 1975 how they and five other crew members
would change UFO history and the world and change there there lives forever
Betty Hill - UFO Encounter
Karla Turner - UFO & Military Abductions
The late Dr. Karla Turner, reseacher of UFO and military abductions, discusses her findings after years
of personal experience and having worked closely with many abductees. Her conclusions,
reported in her works "Taken" and "Masquerade of Angels," are some of the most important to hear in the world today, but she
was threatened for her work and shorty thereafter died under strange circumstances. Her books went out of print and she was
forgotten and/or unknown by many in the UFO research community. Others with whom Turner worked are too afraid to speak publicly
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1994 Lecture - Part 1 of 4
Russian Roswell in Dalnegorsk near naval base Vladivostok
The Soviet "equivalent" to our Roswell was investigated by Las Vegas-based
reporter George Knapp. It appears that a small UFO "probe" crashed into a hillside (Hill 611) overlooking Dalnegorsk near
the naval base Vladivostok, Siberia in Jan-1986. Subsequent sightings were made of larger UFOs that appeared to be "looking"
for something (i.e., their missing probe). One remarkable statement was that observers reported seeing a circular
projection of light along-the-ground. But looking upwards at the UFOs they could not see any "beam" (through the atmosphere) nor any indication of a source-of-light "window" or "portal". (more)
May 09, 2001, Steven Greer
Dan Akroyd Unplugged On UFO's Part 1 & 2